SEO Trends

Can AI Content Rank on Google? – An Ongoing Experiment

Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of AI

The utilization of AI in content development offers numerous benefits. AI excels at creating content, improving paragraphs, and suggesting titles for articles, thereby significantly speeding up the development process.

However, for our experiment, our primary interest was determining how well a website would rank solely with AI-generated content. As it turns out, the results have been less than satisfactory thus far.
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The Google Search Algorithm Explained

Are you learning about search engine optimization and interested in pushing your website to the top of the search engine results for your targeted keywords?

Of course, you are!

According to a March 2019 survey by Netcraft, they received responses from 1,462,021,378 sites, 232,162,099 unique domains, and 8,526,624 web-facing computers.

That’s why search engines, like Google, use algorithms that analyze vast amounts of information, parse it into indexes, help organize it by categories of what you are looking for, and help to return helpful information from the web.

Google is so fast at parsing the data they can return up to 3.44 million results in 0.28 seconds! Read More

Google Florida 2 Update – March 2019 Core Update

If you weren’t paying attention last month, you may have missed out on news of an important Google update.

Danny Sullivan of Google announced on Twitter that the search engine is updating its algorithm.

As a broad core update, this one has the potential for a far-reaching impact.

Known as March 2019 Core Update, Florida 2 Update or Update Florida 2, there are a few important questions you need to answer: Read More

Top SEO Blogs to Read and Follow (UPDATED)

Top SEO Blogs to Read and Follow (UPDATED)Do you have a solid SEO strategy in place for your small business?

Do you know exactly what you are doing, down to every last detail?

It doesn’t matter where you stand, you should always make time to learn from others.

One of the best ways to increase your knowledge on SEO, is to read SEO-related blogs. Pick out a few of your favorites, stay current with each update, and then implement any search engine optimization advice that could boost your business. Read More

Google Snippets Extended to 320 Characters

Google Snippets Extended to 320 charactersDid you ever receive valuable information from the Google Snippet in the search results? Then your month got twice as good.

Google decided to double the size of the Google snippet from 160 characters to 320 characters. It seems like a small step.

But it will have major consequences for search marketers looking to convert more impressions on Google into clicks. We want to help you get ahead of the trend now.
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How Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Impacts Search and SEO

How Artificial Intelligence Impacts Search Engine OptimizationAt the beginning of the internet era, search results were erratic. Companies like AOL and Yahoo! did their best to interpret what they believed users wanted.

Yet, it was common to get completely unrelated search results.

New companies like Google and Bing started using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the search algorithms to help customers find better search results.
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